“Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you” Joshua 5. 9
The reproach of Egypt was their uncircumcision. That reproach was taken away from the Israelites the day they were circumcised. Uncircumcision was a mark of impurity and unacceptable in God’s sight for His chosen people. While in Egypt Israel had observed the law regarding circumcision. All the males were circumcised. But upon coming out and in their journey to the promised land (a journey of forty years) the male children born to them in the wilderness have not been circumcised. These were the ones Joshua was to circumcise, and when he did, God said the reproach was taken away. Their past was rolled away, never to return, anymore than the foreskin could be returned to where it was cut out from. From then on, they were to win their battles.
The Christian is one whose heart has been circumcised
(Romans 2. 29; Colossians 2. 11). Paul said
physical circumcision as was demanded of Israel by God has no saving value
today (Romans 2. 28; Galatians 5. 2,
6). His emphasis was more on obedience to God (Romans 2. 28 – 29; Philippians 3. 3). This is the path to
winning spiritual battles and living a successful Christian life. The reproach
is taken away in being converted to God. Many want to win spiritual battles in
a state of unrepentance. They want to continue in their sinful habits while
claiming all the promises of God. It does not work that way. When Adam acquired
the sinful nature by eating the forbidden fruit, God drove him out of the
Garden of Eden. God did this so as to keep man from also eating from the tree
of life and living for ever in a
perpetual state of sin (Genesis 3. 22 – 24). Divine blessings are to be
enjoyed in a state of repentance.
The reproach of sin is rolled away in Christ. He was
tortured and crucified on the Cross of Calvary where He died for the sins of
humanity, including yours. He shed His blood to wash away the sins of those who
believe in Him. He rose again from the dead triumphantly on the third day to
declare those who believe in him guiltless. He ascended to heaven, where He is
seated at the right hand of the Majesty interceding for those who believe in
Him. He will return again to receive to Himself those who believe in Him and judge
the world in righteousness (Matthew 27. 27 – 54; 28. 1 – 7;
1st John 1. 7; Acts
1. 9; Romans 8. 34; 3. 24;
5. 1; Matthew 25. 31 – 46).
The reproach of sin is the worst reproach anyone can suffer.
It degrades, abases, humiliates, brings shame and finally destroys. But Christ
was degraded, abased, humiliated, made to suffer shame and killed like a
criminal. He did it all for you. You don’t need to suffer this reproach. Allow Christ
take it away. With that will go the reproach of barrenness and of a shameful
past (whatever it was you were involved in). Christ will give you a new
beginning, a permanent one that will launch you forth to your glorious dream.
If you believe on Christ as your Saviour and Lord today, you will experience a
transformation that will effectively roll away your reproach, whatever that
reproach may be. May this be your portion in the Name of Jesus.
be with you!
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