Can the world ever trust China again? Would Nigeria romance with the prime suspect of the current global crisis (COVID-19)? How can we? In 2012 China handed over a fully funded and built headquarters building in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to the African Union (AU). A great gesture of friendship and solidarity, perhaps. But not long after, it was alleged to have been bugged, leaking vital, confidential information of the Union to China in faraway Shanghai! True or false, the Union had to change its computer servers to check the alleged mischief. But issues of health are different. Misfiring means losing a life, or even lives. On a national scale, that can amount to thousands. Painful loss. Avoidable loss. The authorities must tread with caution here. Face masks, test kits, ventilators, vaccine and doctors - all from or of China. Hmmmm, caution we must exercise. Until now we have been using our indigenous doctors, and they have been doing well. WHY CHANGE THE WINNING TEAM? Please let us DISCARD this idea of Chinese intervention. WE DON'T NEED IT. Let us stay safe Stay indigenous. Stay Nigerian We shall overcome

Saturday 15 March 2014


Nobody knows what the day holds. We live through it in expectation of the best. One’s day could be most rewarding if properly handled.
  • Jeff Weiner, CEO at LinkedIn, shared the thoughts of Ray Chambers on how to make the most out of your day. These thoughts are further expounded here. They are essential to healthy living, and can greatly contribute to longevity. The prescription is

1.       Live in the moment. ‘One day at a time’, says the song writer. Thank God for the day. Be happy with your environment – with yourself, family, work, community, church, friends, etc. Do what must be done for that day. Try not to stretch into tomorrow, except unavoidably. You have enough for the day already (Matthew 6. 34).
2.       It’s better to be loving than to be right.
Love cover a multitude of sins. Love bears all things.
It may be our right to follow up a matter to a logical conclusion, and get that fellow to see their fault. We may establish a foolproof case and win. However, by that, the other fellow loses. A win-lose case never solves any problem.  John C. Maxwell and other leadership experts always advocate a win-win. When everybody wins there is always some dignity left to make amends and keep winning in love.
3.       Be a spectator to your own thoughts especially when you become emotional. When you are fired up, you could easily vent your spleen. At such times watch yourself. As a stranger watches and doesn’t get involved in a fuss, detach yourself from your thoughts and allow the tension defuse.
4.       Be grateful for at least one thing everyday . Many things there are to be grateful for, but just take one. It could be your spouse, child, parent, friend, healing, a good meal, play, rest, just anything. It reassures, increases confidence, and energizes for the task ahead.
5.       Help others every chance you get. Helping others get through their problem is a spiritual immune booster. Never work to frustrate another. Those who do and succeed at it may congratulate themselves, but such joy never lasts, because “the joy of the hypocrite is but for a moment” (Job 20. 5). Until you are able to put a lasting smile on another’s face, you may not know the joy that attends hospitality. Do something worthwhile for someone else. That is how to be happy.
These five steps followed daily could make your day rewarding. Have a blessed day.

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